1. Look at eBay and see if you can find the toy or any general information. DO NOT TAKE INFORMATION AS THE RULE! I find about 85% of listing info is incorrect or evasive on eBay but it is a good start. Look for multiple listing of same item for clues.
  1. Go old school and use reference books. My current favorite is O’Brien’s “Collecting Toys” 12th Edition
  1. Look for old toy catalogs or catalogs from places like Sears.
  1. Go to the internet here are some of my favorite sites for various toys:
  • Dolls – Ruby Lane
  • Toy Soldiers – Sierra Toy Solder Company
  • Puzzles – Puzzle Collectors on Facebook
  • Disney – “has a lot of info but you do need to be willing to wade thru ads and several links to get any real info
  • Plush The Needle
  • The Needle is a collaborative website where creators of quality plush can share their work.
  • Schoenhut – https://www.oldwoodtoys.com/
  1. Wikipedia has become a fantastic source
  2. ask.com and about.com are another source
  3. Check with a trusted dealer such as artoftoys.com
  4. Check with auction houses (this can now be done online) to see what they have sold
  5. Antique shows and events usually have a good selection of knowledge people
  6. Sotheby’s sells old toy auction catalogs on eBay that are a great reference source