Many cities across the USA have an official monthly Art Walk…Sacramento, CA where gallery is located has this event the 2nd Saturday of each month no matter what. The city officially acknowledges this event in the Spring and Summer so it really depends on the weather on the outcome in January. What started as an art event evolved to a party event and by slowing it down in the winter helps keep it inline.

This month we will be featuring artists from 2014 that were in house artists or had a show thus giving everyone a sampling of the themes. Rebecca Casey has the front and center spot and you can catch her works online as well on this site . I LOVE her work and can boast a large piece in my collection.

We have a really nice showing from Chris Cinder that he brought in Christmas week from another gallery so the pressure is on to sell…putting up daily online.

PS We will be at NY Toy Fair in February, so will not participate in February walk…thank goodness it will still be “unofficial.”