April Fairy Show Winnie Rose Reyes

This year as part of the April Fairy Show Winnie Rose Reyes has two of her unique one of a kind fantasy creatures. Winnie takes exceptional care in the creation to details and costumes on her artwork. It is a joy to see where her imagination will travel.

Artist Statement:

I have always been a maker of things. I grew up amongst the women of my family who were makers, too. My father was also a maker, a cabinet maker who disliked using nails. I made my first stuffed creature in fourth grade. I went to art school, became an art professor, retired, became a full time artist and housewife, and now I’m back to being just me, an artist.

Art to me has always been about my stories. Even without stories, there is a story behind that. I love the narrative possibilities of art and when I became a creaturesmith and a doll maker, my work took on this narrative character. Story doll™ is part of that evolution.

Story doll™ is the brand name of handmade OOAK dolls that I make out of air dry clay and mixed media. They have gently pose-able limbs and are meant to be interactive. Each doll is a story character. They come with Narrative Elements™ that gives clues about their story.

The theme of stories are about self-realization. Self authored mythology has always been an ongoing fascinating topic for me. Its one that I am in progress of and one that I support in others.

My current series is called, “Magic among us.” My characters are based on cultural myths, folk lore and personal belief systems that informs on the existence of magical and supernatural beings living amongst us.

Ultimately, my art is about living life, loving, being happy and being human.

I am continually working on dolls and creatures that are part of a story that is unfolding. Join me as the story unfolds. Visit Story Doll at… https://storydoll.wordpress.com

Erasmus Goode by Winnie Rose ReyesRaveena Black by Winnie Rose Reyes