Artist Rebecca Casey

Rebecca Casey was one of the first featured artist at Art Of Toys with her series of assemblage ceramic and toy art creations. Art Of Toys was both happy and sad as we sold out all her creations for they had become mascots to the gallery.

A native of “Silicon Valley”, CA, Rebecca Casey spent 25 years operating a firm that provided design services to various companies. When she decided to retire from the tech world she moved to the Sierra Nevada foothills. And then the fun began! “I started hand building with clay after experimenting with several other art forms. Within minutes of feeling the soft, malleable clay in my hands, I knew I had found my medium. It is therapeutic and rewarding; by manipulating the clay I am able to create each piece with its own unique personality.” Rebecca Casey’s whimsical clay sculptures delight your senses and make you smile. Animated animals, friendly fowl, and precocious characters are part of her colorful portfolio. Her recent work incorporates her ceramic work with game pieces and found objects to create eclectic characters.

Artist Rebecca Casey

Artist Rebecca Casey

Assemblage Art

Beegie Assemblage Art Rebecca Casey

Boardboy Assemblage Art Rebecca Casey

Boardboy Assemblage Art Rebecca Casey

Assemblage Art

Cosmo Assemblage Art by Rebecca Casey

 Assemblage Art

Dweezil Assemblage Art by Rebecca Casey

Felix Assemblage Art by Rebecca Casey

Felix Assemblage Art by Rebecca Casey

assemblage art

Gameboy Assemblage Art by Rebecca Casey

Gomer by Rebecca Casey Toy Assemblage

Gomer by Rebecca Casey Toy Assemblage

Izzy Toy Assemblage Rebecca Casey

Izzy Toy Assemblage Rebecca Casey

Assemblage Art

Ozzy -Rebecca Casey Assemblage Art

Art Rebecca Casey

Playboy Assemblage Toy Art Rebecca Casey

Rufus Assemblage Art

Rufus Assemblage Art by Rebecca Casey

Rebecca Casey Assemblage Toy Art Toyboy blog

Rebecca Casey Assemblage Toy Art Toyboy

Waldo Assemblage Art

Waldo Assemblage Art by Rebecca Case

assemblage art

Assemblage Toy Art Woody Rebecca Casey

assemblage art

Ziggy by Rebecca Casey