People keep popping into the gallery looking for a place to buy Christmas cards. Some might think the Grinch got to the stores but apparently this is a tradition that few retailers supported this year most likely based on last year’s sales. There was an article in the Sacramento Bee that I have not read but several customers have stated based on article that this is a lost tradition. I do love getting the photo cards and Christmas letters but am happy to hear one is no longer expected to get a card…one less chore!

Another tradition in my family that is getting hard is savings bonds! My 85 year old dad, retired military, has given his grandchildren a Savings Bond every Christmas for years. This takes a bit of work on his part for he has to gather all the social security numbers for each child (has 9) as well as correct spelling (which is not always correct).


In the past he went to his bank, turned in the paperwork and bought the bonds which he gave each child. This year he was told to buy them “online” …


“As of January 1, 2012, paper savings bonds are no longer sold at financial institutions.  This action supports Treasury’s goal to increase the number of electronic transactions with citizens and businesses. See the press release.”


GEEZE …to support Treasury’s goal to increase the number of electronic transactions”.


I spent sometime checking this out and it has made a simple gesture a major cluster….

Not only does my dad have to open a Treasury account but 5 days after he purchases the bonds each child has to open a account to transfer bonds to then hold. So much for a nice lil bond in your stocking that sits in the bottom of a drawer till maturity or need. I’m strongly recommending he find a new tradition…cash works or Art Of Toys gift certificates!
