It is such a pleasure to see all the creative ideas and art that the wonderful Art of Toys artists come up with for the different theme shows. Everyday it is a adventure in Toy Art! Sharing and selling the art is definitely my dream job come true.


I got confirmation from the beautiful and creative Lisa Owens that she will be sending 5 new fairies for the March fairy show!


The legendary Robert Gordon came in to assure me a long awaited sign will soon be here and if we are lucky will have some of his original art for the May Robot show. Along with more new Chris Cinder that he was able to sneak in early- pre robot show!

Robot Gordon 2013


I spent way to much time surfing the web reading things that in no way pertained to art or toys but still sucked me into the time void… did catch a weird doll story about a Ca company that is 3D printing your baby invitro …can I say ugh on that one? (not sharing photo)


Blogging is the only part that I would not have on my “dream” job list… but I have yet find the perfect dream job …the search is the adventure!