Jacob Jerde
Art Of Toys artist Jacob Jerde is one of the featured artists who creates fantasy assemblage car art.
Jacob Jerde is a local artist that began his journey into the world of art when he was a young boy. Jake learned to put model kits together at a very early age. From there, he progressed into an artform called “scratch building.” This artform utilizes parts of toys and other non-toy parts to create his art. His inspiration comes from retro science fiction movies and comic books. He currently has an interest is creating all sorts vehicles. In the past, Jacob has created miniature dioramas, steampunk art, and an occasional painting. Jacob has shown his art at previous venues in Sacramento in a few 2nd Saturday’s in past years.
Artist Statement:
Style is a difficult thing to quantify. I suppose the things that I find visually interesting rub off on my style. I love clashes, strange juxtapositions. Things like Victorian era mechanics brushed up against 60s modernist design. Re-imagining the past can often be just as interesting as forecasting the future.
I’m deeply interested in exploration; early sea voyages, Australian inland expeditions, deep sea probes and space travel. Exploring distant worlds, either through manned or more likely unmanned vehicles is a great adventure we can look forward to, however from what we know the distances in space are unimaginably vast and a space traveller would not encounter a universe teeming with the kind of sentient life we know from sci-fi films. If he was lucky he might just stumble on the ruins of a past civilization, likely destroyed thousands of years before his arrival. To me this subject matter is just as interesting to dwell on, but ambiguity is the key. There are a few anchor points but then the rest is left to the viewer to make sense of.