Laurelin Gilmore Fairy Artist featured the month of April at Art Of Toys 2015 Fairy Show with her original watercolor, pen and ink on paper fairy art. Laurelin has created a series of original works for the show, with her first watercolor series. This is a chance to get an original Laurelin!

Poppy by Laurelin Gilmore

Artist Statement:

I began as a pencil artist but have experimented with a variety of other mediums. While I am very comfortable with drawing materials and the immediacy of that form, my forays into the world of oil painting have been incredibly exciting for me. My subject matter and style are somewhat varied, but the human figure has always been my touchstone. My goal is to record on the paper or canvas as well I can the beauty of everyday through realism, surrealism and fantasy.

My art serves three main purposes: to express some aspect of the subject’s hidden truth through the addition of animal or insect appendages; to look at the place where separates meet, and explore through fantasy the experience of the would-be fence sitters as go-betweens or translators; and more precisely because I am a woman of blended or mixed ethnicity, and I want to express this experience in my art, many times I will blend species rather than cultures to move the message more clearly to the forefront.

The reactions people have to paintings of people with horns, hooves, wings and scales is much the same as the reactions people have to me and mine. Sometimes admiration, sometimes revulsion. I do not eschew the old adage, “paint what you see,” I am only trying to present a new way of seeing it.

Note: Artwork available in gallery and on our Fairy page.