German Jointed Baby Doll



1 in stock


German Jointed Baby Doll 1880s is a beautiful tiny jointed porecelain-bisque doll incised on back of head “Germany” . Doll has string loosley attached joints at shoulder and hips. Lovely coloring and detailed paint including blushed cheeks and sculpted hair that has some scuffs in paint.  Pink painted  sculpted booties and a cloth diaper attached. This darling little joy from times past is only 3″ a perfect addition to your small doll collection. When posted photo I noticed a small hairline crack at neck that I did not notice until enlarging the photo to mount on site so have reflected the price in this.

By 1881 manufacturers were being a little more adventurous and tiny, fully jointed, dolls with sleeping eyes and long flowing hair were being advertised_ Many of these early dolls were unmarked, but can often be attributed to a particular manufacturer because of their similarity to larger dolls made by the same firm. Among the most sought after all-bisques are those known by collectors as `French’ type. These date from around 1880 and although some may have been manufactured in France, many are thought to have been made in Germany for the French market, possibly by Simon and Halbig.

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 2 in


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