Steven Gray Amped Kaleidoscope is a dazzling arrangement of colored wire creates a 4 point mandala. The wire gives off flashes of colored light that has no equal. This image works well in subdued light and really jumps to life with a sharp light source. As the name implies the image fills a 4 point mandala with an visual that looks like it is plugged in and turned on. United with a custom turned wooden barrel of Maple and Walnut.
Wood and Mirror System Maple with Walnut, 4 point 2 mirror system.

Steve Gray
Steven Gray writes, “I thought it was blind luck or fate that brought kaleidoscopes into my life. In part that may be true, some bits of good timing, the right input at the right time that sort of thing. Now I see that the kaleidoscope is a metaphor in many ways and for me. It is a pulling together of my interests and passions. To see how my attention was focused I look at what I was interested in as a child, to keep from rambling aimlessly along I’ve limited it to three areas of significance. I loved playing with optical tricks; odd reflections, binocular effects, the juxtaposition of light and shadow, moving the multiple mirrors around on bath cabinet and wondering what lies just to the other side of a reflection. Gadgets have always intrigued me and still do. I love taking apart all sorts of devices to see how they are put together (sorry mom and dad for all of the appliances you needed to replace once I investigated them). My love for wood comes from a long line of ancestors that worked wood into useful and beautiful items. Many fond memories of going down to my grandfather’s wood shop and smelling the Black Walnut lumber, poking around in all the small drawers of miscellaneous parts and handling the tools that he used on the lathe.
And perhaps the main driving force is that my friends would never let me look through their kaleidoscopes when I was a child. So I showed them and went on to make the best optical toys I could dream of. For the lion share, my life is not luck or fate. It is the culmination of my interests and in a large part focused by kaleidoscopes. For this I’m grateful.
Let enthusiasm drive your work and love what you do, what else can I say.
Respectfully submitted Steven Gray
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