Artist Daunine Vining
Daunine Vining maintains her studio in the woods next to a flowing creek in the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains. This is where she likes to design her marionettes and full body puppets.
She has worked as an interior designer in Los Angeles, Mexico, New York and Canada. The many projects she has worked on range from designing area rugs for the carpet industry, to the interiors of a high rise office building on Park Avenue in New York.
A multi-faceted designer, Daunine has worked with automotive engineers, team-designing the world’s fastest drag motorcycle. In Canada she has worked on interior design for a children’s day care center, a fly-in fishing lodge, and local public libraries.
Daunine received a BA in Fine Arts from California State University at Long Beach. She has received awards for design excellance from the American Society of Interior Designers, House Beautiful Magazine and the Children’s Hospital of Orange County California.

Punch by Daunine Vining