Sorry to have missed a few days but the site was hit with a explosion of SPAM (not the food) …drove me nuts!


We were so excited to finally get the Review tab functioning correctly so you could start listing your wonderful reviews and comments directly but unfortunately, as in many things in life, something or someone had to spoil a great feature. The SPAM started rolling in as product comments and got up to 2474 stupid non related comments from companies that support SPAM bots to drive their own numbers. Many were from company products I liked but now will no longer purchase or support… Nike, Michael Kors, Channel, RayBan, Coach to name a few. Then it just got out of hand with Wow Gold and  hack called “Clashoftheclans” .

Wish I had the time and resources to give them all a taste of their own marketing efforts!

Keep your reviews coming just know until WordPress gets this handled we will have to add them for you as in the past!