Steve Ferrera Artist and Puppeteer

Steve Ferrera artist and puppeteer is a visiting artist from Berkeley California area who does stop action puppet movies. We are excited to feature a nice selection of his Clan People this month in the gallery… this month is “Puppets”!


Steve completed his BFA at Santa Cruz State University with an emphasis in sculpture, and then finished his MFA at San Jose State University with an emphasis in glass and metal. Since then Steve's art career has wound it's way into many different disciplines. Steve worked as a sculptor at Cirecast Foundry in San Francisco. He ran Fourth Street Glass in Berkeley, a studio specializing in handblown glass. Steve worked in the animation and visual effects industry for clients like HBO, Sony Ubisoft, and Prologue Films he also created puppets and sets for stop-motion film. He recently wrapped production on the film Cicada Princess. As Art Director he created the visual screenplay as well as the characters, puppets, and sets. Throughout all of it, he has been creating this cast of curious and absurd creatures. Lurking on the fringes of fairytale and folklore, these characters exist in their own cosmic events, referenced from mythology, religion, cartoons, and make believe. The cast continues to grow as old stories evolve and new ones emerge.



We will add more photos from Steve's work as well as other puppet artists to facebook page as the month moves on.

