Have you ever wondered why some collections look so great in a store or a friends home or office? It might be a fantastic collection but it could be how it is displayed! Toy display or any collection can benefit from “The Power of Three”.

For an example I used the wonderful artwork of Chris Cinder.

1. Here is a collection of six Minions and a Bot all done by Chris and displayed on top of a podium… a small army.

display 1

2. First step I took out one Minion and added a riser…in this case a tin bucket upside down!

display 2 remove 1 and add riser (ignore tag on bucket missed it in this photo)

3. Next create blank or neutral space by grouping in sets of 3

display 3 create space


4. Now the Power of Three really comes into play. Think of having 2 groups of three set in two triangles with a taller piece in back of each triangle and space between! Play with arrangement.

display 4 space and triangle 3 - triangle

Wha-la can you see the difference?

display 1  display 4 space and triangle 3