Disneyana items are particularly attractive as collectibles.
Some of the major reasons are as follows:
Disneyana is ART. In most cases, it is good art that often reflects the popular culture of the era in which it was produced. Older pieces are recognized as art and are exhibited in some of the world’s most famous museums. (like Art Of Toys ) Yet, Disneyana is art anyone can own.
Disneyana has been produced in large quantities since the 20’s. There are millions of Disneyana items floating around out there to keep intriguing the collecting interest. Disneyana is found worldwide.
Disneyana is associated with Walt Disney, one of the world’s best known and respected individuals. Even though a minute portion of Disneyana was created by him, Walt Disney continues to be a major driving force behind his company’s characters long after his death in 1966.
Disneyana is still being produced. Many items are being manufactured as limited editions and marketed by mail an online, thus creating more collectibles with each passing day. Likewise, visitors to Disney theme parks are exposed to more and more collector’s merchandise and the Disney collecting interest. As older items grow in price, many collectors specialized in more modern pieces. The result- nearly anyone can collect some type of Disneyana that is interesting art and has a reasonable prospect of growing in value.
Disneyana brings high prices at major auctions. There are full time dealers all across the country that make a large part of their living buying and selling old and new Disneyana. However, it takes knowledge and experience to succeed in such a venture. Speculating in Disneyana is risky. Buying Disneyana as an investment generally leads to a small bank account and a large inventory that is difficult to liquidate for actual value.
Whatever your interest in Disneyana, be assured you are in good company. Movie stars, producers and directors; industrialists; government officials; and people in all walks of old and new Disneyana items are estimated to exceed $375 million (in 1985 when this was written).
This is an excerpt from Tomart’s illustrated Disneyana catalog and price guide Vol one by Tom Tumbusch (in quotations is from Terri)