Every Christmas holiday I have toys that come out to visit and then go back with the Christmas decorations! Alot of my art has to pack up for the month of December to make room for the 30 or so crates of holiday decorations I have accumulated but then it is wonderful to have a new appreciation for the art when it returns. If at all possible I decorate my toys to make them festive or use them as decorations!

All the bigger toys that stay out get hats or sweaters for the holidays!

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I have a great tin windup collection from the 70’s-80’s that was my brothers…every year I take it out and tie it to it’s own Christmas tree with silver cord. Add a bit of color with bows or colored foil ornaments and you have a festive fun spot! It reminds me to keep adding to it as well.

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Incorporate holiday decorations with your toy displays to give them a festive look!

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Enjoy your toys! Send me your decorating ideas to terri@artoftoys.com and we will add!