Go Collect

Go Collect!! “Anyone can collect something; it is hard to collect everything.”                         Peter Carlson

Have you ever started to wonder why people collect? I remember the Collectible Show in Chicago I was walking with a customer when working at Disney, as we casually walked the floor I did not realize how many times I had pointed out something I was collecting until we paused at a booth and my customer said “I know you collect this” but I replied “no I want to collect it!” . It is most likely a blessing in disguise that my ex husband did not collect or appreciate my collecting which has curtailed my obsession the past 2o plus years…making up for it now…thou I do not have the collections I see some have.

Collecting a specific category of a collection can help limit abundance and create challenges. I love dolls but do not want to be overwhelmed so in past years have looked for black dolls which is a bit harder than white. Also have gone for small dolls such as Penny Dolls and the ultimate for me  is to find a small black doll.

doll set 8 - 200

Just discovered a book “Magnificent Obsessions” by Mitch Tuchman that have some unusual collections that make you wonder why they even started! Swizzle Sticks anyone?

Swizzle Sticks

Carousel Horses, need a big space and a BIG budget for this one! Or fishing lures…my dad could do this one.

Fishing Lures

And then there was the collector that listed “everything” as her collection which specialized in things “that other people don’t care about.” She had a great print tray collection that was used to hold a zillion other collections.

Trays of toys

There are people that collect collections but I always thought that was a bit lazy as a collector and lacks the lust of the hunt and usually requires a big budget! If you are collecting as an investment I strongly recommend you do your homework …just because you love it does not mean it will have monetary value to someone else unless maybe if you are lucky you hang onto it for your great grandchildren to sell! GO COLLECT!