This month Art Of Toys is featuring our jewelry artists, so I thought I would share a bit about the artists starting with Lori Kirsch! Jewelry artist Lori Kirsch has a whimsical approach to her elaborate bead, button and toy creations. She uses vintage buttons, beads and toys so each piece is unique one of a kind and they just scream FUN!!

Jewelry artist Lori Kirsch writes, “I weave, stitch, and wrap vintage buttons, beads, elements and objects into bright colorful fun pieces. Collecting Bakelite jewelry started it. It’s the hunting, collecting, gathering and organizing the vintage elements that go into making my jewelry that gets my engine running. My buttons, toys, and beads provide many opportunities for happy accident. I bring new life to childhood memories that once just sat in a jar or a drawer. Boring just doesn’t exist. Each piece of jewelry is unique and one of a kind.”