If you have not signed up for Art Of Toys newsletter now is the time to do it with a new online contest! Art Of Toys sends out a daily feature, a blog recap newsletter and coupons for discounts and cool stuff to all our subscribers and this month all subscribers have a chance to win an original piece of art from Selina Briggs.

Art Toy Stormtrooper Jelly EmpireThe art toy Jellactic Empire Stormtrooper by Jelly Empire’ artist Selina Briggs has gone beyond to the Jellastic Empire to create a series of Stormtroopers. These unique characters are handpainted, signed and dated by artist. Comes with a cool custom box made by Selina. Perfect art for your desk or part of a bigger collection!

Here is the happy winner from last contest!

winner Darth Vader

The art toy Jellactic Empire Stormtrooper by Jelly Empire’artist Selina Briggs has gone beyond to the Jellastic Empire to create a series of Stormtroopers. These unique characters are handpainted, signed and dated by artist. Comes with a cool custom box made by Selina. Perfect art for your desk or part of a bigger collection! – See more at: https://artoftoys.com/product/stormtrooper-jellactic-empire-selina-briggs-4/#sthash.7jz6ACqz.dpuf