Robert Gordon

Robert Gordon’s Gallery

If you’ve ever walked Sacramento’s Midtown, chances are you’ve had a close encounter with Robert Gordon’s playful, retro-style art, because once you see it, you know it’s his. Robert Gordon is a prolific painter located in Midtown -Sacramento. Many of the shop signs and shop windows in the area have been painted by Robert…You can see his work everywhere over the years.

Gordon was a “Sustainable” “Recycled” artist years before these were popular trendy terms in the art world. Gordon’s best canvas for some of his most creative works comes from the allies dumpsters where he takes random scraps and turns them into vibrant painted canvases. Much of work includes the word “Midtown” regardless of the theme of the work which helps identify his work and that it is a Robert Gordon. Over the years Gordon’s work has adorned a good portion of Midtown’s small business window fronts, and their interiors, seasonally splashing businesses for the holidays with his wet colors.

Gordon’s been “splashing” his work over Sacramento since he transplanted himself from Sunnyvale, California in early 1990’s. He spends his time between Sacramento and Half Moon Bay where he creates art for a yearly pumpkin patch. Art Of Toys is excited to have been able to pull a collection of Robert’s unique perspective on folk art with themed Robots.


Robert Gordon artist

Robert Gordon