Art of Toys Blog

Who is Joel Stinghen?

Who is Joel Stinghen?

Artist Statement Some junk is too cool to throw away and becomes fodder for a “found object assemblage sculpture”(which sounds better than a “pile of junk”). Old or broken toys, the fan from a discarded microwave,the toner cartridge from a laser printer. Whether it is...

What is Americana Toys?

What is Americana Toys?

Americana Toys What is Americana Toys? The gallery had a Americana show and most of the artists that applied sent in folk toys! According to one of  my favorite go to references- Wikipedia: Americana refers to artifacts, or a collection of artifacts, related to the...

Artist Doll Market of the 90’s- Where did it go?

Artist Doll Market of the 90’s- Where did it go?

Artist Doll Market of the 90's- Where did it go? I have collected dolls since I was five so when I went to my first West Coast Toy Show in Pasadena , California I was obsessed with the blossoming new market of doll artists. I was a sub-rep to a handful of artists with...

Christine Benjamin Felter Extraordinaire

Christine Benjamin Felter Extraordinaire

Christine Benjamin Felter Extraordinaire is one of the fabulous artists participating at Art Of Toys October Doll Artist Show! Felting is a process of sculpting with wool by compressing the wool with many strokes of a barbed takes hours to create pieces as...

Fantastic Art Of Char Hall

Fantastic Art Of Char Hall

Fantastic Art Of Char Hall has been part of  Art Of Toys  as part of Monster Show. Char creates her fantastic creatures PENCIL drawings by combining two animals for her own monster thou sometimes are too sweet to be a monster as in Pandabee. Char is a full time tattoo...

Jacob Jerde

Jacob Jerde

Jacob Jerde  Art Of Toys artist  Jacob Jerde is one of the featured artists who creates fantasy assemblage car art. Jacob Jerde is a local artist that began his journey into the world of art when he was a young boy. Jake learned to put model kits together at a very...

Yolanda Bello Doll Artist

Yolanda Bello Doll Artist

Yolanda Bello, whose dolls are critically acclaimed for their realism, their sculptural excellence, and their rich depth of emotion, says that her goal is to design dolls that “achieve purity of expression”. Yolanda Bello’s work as a doll maker is known to...

Cartoons Starring Donald Duck 1934-1961

Cartoons Starring Donald Duck 1934-1961

Cartoons Starring Donald Duck 1934-1961 Cartoons starring Donald Duck 1934-1961 is a list of Donald Duck Disney's Comedian first appearance on screen from in 1934, in The Wise Little Hen, and he also made a striking, squawking appearance as a loud, quacking,...

Mattel Liddle Kiddles Childhood Toys Take on Value

Mattel Liddle Kiddles Childhood Toys Take on Value

Mattel Liddle Kiddles Childhood Toys Take on Value Mattel Liddle Kiddles Childhood Toys Take on Value -wow who would have thought that a favorite little play doll could have jumped in value so much ...surprise ... some of our most cherished toys have little to no...

Debate Anorexia vs Obesity

Debate Anorexia vs Obesity

A photo of a hypothetical plus-sized Barbie doll has ignited a heated debate over body image, anorexia and obesity. What do you think? Is this a positive image for large girls or does it promote obesity? Is 3 chins too many? Poor Barbie has been the subject of many...

Lisa Owens Fairy Artist of MidDreamers

Lisa Owens Fairy Artist of MidDreamers

Lisa Owens of MidDreamers: A Look into the Mystery of Fairies Through Her Art is a soft title for this young California artist that has created over 600 polymer creations from the fairy world. Art Of Toys is so proud to feature Lisa  as part of the annual Fairy and...

Jeffery Beckerleg Car Artist

Jeffery Beckerleg Car Artist

Car artist Jeffery Beckerleg from the foothills of the Sierras to Art Of Toys as a featured artist in our annual "Cars" show. The artist, Jeffery Beckerleg, resides in Georgetown, California where he works out of his studios. His art covers a broad range of mediums: ...

The World of Fisher Price Toys

The World of Fisher Price Toys

I love the old Fisher Price toys and have had customers come into the gallery and reminisce when they see them in the vintage section on their own toys. Most styles are easy to track their era by the printed paper lithos that make up the outside. The Fisher Price Toy...

Puppet and Doll Artist Daunine Vining

Puppet and Doll Artist Daunine Vining

Daunine Vining maintains her studio in the woods next to a flowing creek in the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains. This is where she likes to design her marionettes and full body puppets. She has worked as an interior designer in Los Angeles, Mexico, New York and...

A Look Back Hansa’s Portraits in Nature

A Look Back Hansa’s Portraits in Nature

Hansa’s Portraits in Nature is a handcrafted collection of realistic plush animals. Artists working in a socially and environmentally responsible studio create each Hansa animal from portraits of the creature in its natural habitat. The “coat” of each character is...

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