Art of Toys Blog

Breaking Bad Toys

Breaking Bad Toys

Breaking Bad Toys Ok people this has been the big news in "Toys" at Google for the past couple of weeks ... if you have not heard the huge media blitz... Breaking Bad toys are action figures based on the TV show Breaking Bad. I have not seen the show but many friends...

Creepy or Cute

Tis the day before the Trick or Treat holiday of Halloween and the question today is should Halloween art be creepy or cute? I tend to go with a bit of both when looking at art toys but have had some REALLY creepy if not...

Automatic Building Bricks Anyone?

Automatic Building Bricks Anyone? In 1939 a new toy, Self-Locking Building Bricks were patented by plastic pioneer, Harley Fisher Page, founder of Kiddicraft Company. By 1945 he had improved the blocks by adding channels which inspired Godtfred Kirk Christiansen, the...

Creepy Fun Art

As we quickly approach Halloween I thought it would be fun to point out some Creepy Fun Art that some of the Art Of Toys regular artists have on the site! These are not really Halloween only but great all year round! Marca Castillo a favorite from Oregon creates a...

Timeless Toys & Marvin Glass

Timeless Toys & Marvin Glass

Timeless Toys & Marvin Glass Just found a great reference book this weekend at my favorite used bookstore– Timeless Toys by Tim Walsh. This was published in 2005 but like the title the information is timeless. The time line starts with 1900 but the section I...

What Makes A Treasure?

What Makes A Treasure?

What Makes A Treasure? What Makes A Treasure? I believe what is a treasure to one might not be a treasure to all. Have you ever heard the saying “one man's trash is another treasure”? It is always sad to have to tell someone their cherished toy has no value in the...

Hansa’s Portraits in Nature

Hansa's Portraits in Nature Hansa's Portraits in Nature is a handcrafted collection of realistic plush animals. Artists working in a socially and environmentally responsible studio create each Hansa animal from portraits of the creature in its natural habitat....

New Online Contest

If you have not signed up for Art Of Toys newsletter now is the time to do it with a new online contest! Art Of Toys sends out a daily feature, a blog recap newsletter and coupons for discounts and cool stuff to all our subscribers and this month all subscribers have...

Jacob Jerde

Jacob Jerde

Jacob Jerde This month at Art Of Toys the gallery show is Cars and Jacob Jerde is one of the featured artists who creates fantasy assemblage car art. Jacob Jerde is a local artist that began his journey into the world of art when he was a young boy. Jake learned to...

Preserving It

Preserving It

Preserving It Once you acquire a collectible toy or a piece of art you become its custodian which makes you responsible for its well being. Preserving it should be part of the joy of collecting not a burden. Often we hide our treasures away thinking we are protecting...

Texting a Toy?

Texting a Toy?

Texting a Toy? Have our phones become our only toy? Is texting a toy?  Last Saturday I looked out the gallery door to find 6 people sitting in gallery chairs and lawn texting ... they were all at it so hard they did not notice me come out and take a photo (thou this...

Alister Oliver Loves Cars

Alister Oliver Loves Cars

Alister Oliver Loves Cars Alister Oliver loves cars and creates a new perspective with his clever shots of cars and their parts! This month Alister is one of the featured artists at Art Of Toys Car Show... took a few shots of toy cars! Artist Statement: Certifiably...

Good Art Will Not Match Your Sofa

Good Art Will Not Match Your Sofa

Good Art Will Not Match Your Sofa Good Art Will Not Match Your Sofa is a quote from  California artist Fred Babb. I LOVE the thought after repping art and having galleries hand me a couch cushion (more than once) to see if I had anything that would match regardless of...

Car Artist Jeffery Beckerleg

Car Artist Jeffery Beckerleg This month the theme at the gallery is "Cars" and our feature artist is car artist Jeffery Beckerleg from the foothills of the Sierras to Art Of Toys. The artist, Jeffery Beckerleg, resides in Georgetown, California where he works out of...

Collecting Toy Cars & Trucks

October is Cars at Art Of Toys gallery so I thought I would start off the month with Collecting Toy Cars & Trucks. There are so many toy car manufacturers over the years and many toys are hard to indentify yet this resource lists 250 including Arcade, Hot Wheels,...

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